Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ways to Entertain yourself Online

i was bored while browsing the net, and i started looking for site to entertain me. i came upon free game site like miniclip, and albinoblacksheep they had games that would truly entertain you.try them their free, but don't over do it like what i did and forget things you would do for the day.

Free Music you can listen directly to music online just by going to Imeem, Esnips, and for OPM's Tristancafe. I'm sure you'll have your music fix Fast : )

For Clips, TV shows, Movies, & Funny Videos Try Stupidvideos, HolyLemon, Metacafe, Veoh, DAILYMOTION, and of course every ones favorite the Youtube. just one reminder some site may have adult contents so enjoy ; ) hehehehhe


Juilee Kharat said...

its obvious i came to ur blog coz i m bored at home....
but any way thnx.....
next time write blog on what to do on internet when u r bored and u dnt wanna play game listen music and watch movie...:/ :/
i now its hard to answer

Juilee Kharat said...

its obvious i came to ur blog coz i m bored at home....
but any way thnx.....
next time write blog on what to do on internet when u r bored and u dnt wanna play game listen music and watch movie...:/ :/
i now its hard to answer